Asthma is the number one reason kids miss school. Take steps to avoid the September spike.

Asthma action plans help patients take control of their asthma, know when to adjust their medications and decide when to seek urgent care. Well-controlled asthma can reduce hospitalizations, emergency visits, urgent physician visits and missed school days.

Find downloads of recently developed actions plans tailored for children by Child Health BC. Child Health BC is a provincial health network whose Steering Committee brings together child health and physician leaders from all of BC’s health authorities, PHSA (including BC Children’s Hospital and Perinatal Services BC) and the First Nations Health Authority.

Before school starts, we recommend families:

  1. Work with your doctor/health care provider and put an asthma action plan into place.
  2. Provide a copy of your child’s asthma action plan and explain what it means to their teacher.
  3. Educate your child’s teacher about asthma.
  4. List and explain your child’s athma triggers and why it’s important to avoid them.
  5. Show teachers your child’s asthma medications and how to use them properly.
  6. Make sure the teachers know which one is the rescue medication that helps in an asthma emergency (usually the blue inhaler).
  7. Ask about the school’s rules for asthma medication.
  8. Ask about policies for field trips and emergency actions.
  9. Remind your child to wash hands often and properly.
  10. Feel free to call one of our lung health educators at 1-800-665-LUNG (5864).