Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) causes mild, cold-like infection of the lungs and the breathing passages in adults and children. Most people infected by the virus usually have mild symptoms and usually recovers within a week. However, in some adults, they can develop severe illness from the virus that may require hospitalizations. Symptoms include, runny nose, coughing, fever, sneezing and decreased appetite. If you are 60 years old and older, there is a vaccine to protect you from RSV.

BC Lung Foundation held a webinar on RSV and ways to protect yourself from RSV. 

• The burden of disease and risk factors associated with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in older adults, including at-risk populations such as those with underlying comorbidities

• Discuss the potential outcomes and complications of RSV in the older adult population, including impact on quality of life

• Summarize new clinical evidence supporting RSV vaccination and vaccine technologies that address age-related decline in immunity (ARDI)

Dr. Alan Kaplan 

Alan is a practicing family physician and the Medical director of LHIN Pulmonary Rehabilitation clinics in Ontario, Canada. Alan chairs the Family Physician Airways Group of Canada ( and is also an Honorary Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine of the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute, Singapore.

Alan’s other positions include Co-Chair of the Health Quality Ontario COPD Community Management standards committee, Member of the Health Quality Ontario Asthma community management standards committee, Vice President Respiratory Effectiveness Group and Senate member of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group

Alan is also a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Toronto in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, while being a Member of the Physician Advisory Panel of the Medical Post, the Medical Advisory Committee of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada and a Member of Section of Allergy and Respiratory Therapeutics, Health Canada. Alan has authored 136 Peer Reviewed Articles and 104 Conference Abstracts.

See the webinar here:


Page Last Updated: 29/11/2023