Lung Transplant

A lung transplant is a life-changing surgical procedure that offers a new lease on life for patients with severe respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, or cystic fibrosis. For many, it represents the hope of breathing freely again after years of struggle and diminishing quality of life.

Three surgeons working on a lung transplant patient.

A lung transplant is a life-changing surgical procedure that offers a new lease on life for patients with severe respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, or cystic fibrosis. For many, it represents the hope of breathing freely again after years of struggle and diminishing quality of life.

The journey to a lung transplant is often filled with challenges, including the wait for a suitable donor and the fear of complications as well as financial costs.

Despite the risks and challenges, the transformation from struggling to breathe to experiencing the world anew is profound and deeply moving, offering patients a renewed sense of hope and possibility. Below are several ways BC Lung supports BC’s lung transplant community.

Lung Transplant Housing Support

Closing the gap in temporary housing and living cost support for lung transplant patients and caregivers in financial crisis.

While the BC Ministry of Health covers a lung transplant patient’s medical costs, the patient and their caregiver are required to shoulder any pre and post-transplant travel as well as temporary housing and living costs related to their transplant. All BC lung transplants take place at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH). For patients who reside outside the city, this temporary housing requirement can create a cripplingly, if not impossible financial burden.

LT Housing Support provides up to $3,000 in funding to patients and caregivers in need.

We have exceeded the funding for the current period and will resume April 1, 2025

Online Support Groups

These private Facebook Groups are run by BC patients and caregivers with lived lung transplant experience.