In 2019 and 2020, BC Lung’s Healthy Indoor Environments Team engaged in research, outreach, and advocacy around radon in real estate . Our goal was to learn what real estate professionals knew about radon, what they were doing, and how BC could learn from best practices around the world. Please find links below to the results of our work.

Questions? Contact Dr. Noah Quastel at or 778-709-4496.

This work was generously supported by the Real Estate Foundation of BC and the Law Foundation of BC.

Courses for Realtors

We have worked with the BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) to create online courses for realtors. These courses count for professional development credits.

Information on the online Radon for Realtors course with BCREA can be found here.

We have also worked with BCREA to create a broader course on Healthy Indoor Environments.

Summary & Recommendations

In 2019 we conducted research on how radon could be addressed in real estate transactions, analyzing existing BC law, and taking cues from existing policy and legislation in European countries, American states, and other Canadian provinces. We have prepared summaries and recommendations.

For BC Real Estate Licensees/Realtors: We developed these recommendations for real estate licensees, including our interpretation of their professional duties around radon. An appendix includes relevant sources.

For Policymakers: The Real Estate Council of British Columbia and the British Columbia Real Estate Association have made some significant steps on radon. We still would like to see follow up studies and think there is more the provincial government could be doing. We provide a summary for policymakers that outlines the analysis of the situation and further steps to be taken.

We have also prepared a short summary of our project below.

Additional Resources for Realtors


Radon Recommendations: Based on our Radon and Real Estate Research Project, the BC Lung Foundation’s Healthy Indoor Environments Team have developed recommendations for realtors, including our interpretation of their professional duties around radon. Note that in November 2021 we changed our name and older documents show the older name.

Radon Resources List: We have also prepared this trusted web-based resources list on radon for realtors to use.


Radon Tips: In September 2019, the BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) issued new practice tips on radon, including stating that radon is a latent defect. This was also noted by the BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA) here.

Radon Amendment to the PDS: In April 2020, BCREA moved to add radon to the Property Disclosure Statement (PDS). Learn about this update and other revisions to the PDS.

Radon FAQ: The BCREA also issued this FAQ document summarizing questions frequently asked about radon and the PDS.


Radon Regulatory Standards Information: The BCFSA has added new guidance on radon for real estate licensees, including Regulatory Standards Information.

Radon Checklists: BCFSA has also issued radon checklists for:
buyers’ agents
sellers’ agents
rental property managers


Guideline for Radon Measurements during Real Estate Transactions: CARST has created a webpage with tools to help sellers, buyers, realtors and radon professionals conduct radon tests as part of real estate transactions.

Buy a Radon Home Test Kit