Annual TB Conference 2025

February 26 to March 1, 2025 | Vancouver ,BC

The volunteer conference planning committee enthusiastically picked a list of topics and assembled an exciting list of speakers. Dr. Bob Horsburgh spoke about “The Riddle of TB Drug Resistance” for The George Comstock Lecture. The Beyond TB Lecture was be given by Dr. Denis Nash about the effects of climate change on HIV care, an emerging area of research in infectious diseases. There was a continued focus on creating more opportunities for the participation of TB survivors and early career researchers and colleagues in our conference. The pre-conference activities included a workshop for TB survivors and a post-graduate course on the application of next-generation sequencing for the clinical and public health management of TB.

Annual TB Conference 2024

April 16-19, 2024 | Baltimore, MD

This year’s conference explored recent global and local epidemiology, efforts to prevent, and ultimately eliminate TB, advances in diagnostics and treatment regimens, proposed changes to the way we approach isolation practices, and – after treatment has concluded, the longer-term implications of tuberculosis which we are beginning to better understand.

The conference reconfirms the important contributions made by all professional sectors working in tuberculosis and the essential partnership of TB patients, their families, and survivors with public health programs, academic research settings, and treatment settings.

Previous Conference Archive

NAR Charter

This charter governs the North America Region (NAR) established by the General Assembly of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).