End TB 2025

February 26 to March 1, 2025

29th Annual Conference of Union-North America Region
Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel, Vancouver BC

Online Submissions Opening Soon!

Call for Abstracts

Deadline for Submissions: Oct 16, 2024

We welcome the submission of abstracts for poster and oral presentations containing research on all aspects of tuberculosis prevention and care, including epidemiological, clinical, basic science, nursing, social, , psychosocial, and educational studies, as well as outcomes of program initiatives. We also welcome abstracts on other respiratory pathogens and smoking cessation. Abstracts must be submitted in accordance with these guidelines.

Oral and Poster Presentations

You may request:

1. Poster presentation only


2. Possible invitation for oral presentation according to score. (Note: The decision to extend an invitation for an oral presentation is based primarily on the score an abstract earns and its contributions of new programmatic or scientific knowledge relating to the plenary agenda.)

  • All abstracts submitted will be reviewed.
  • The highest-ranked abstracts will be considered for oral presentation and others for poster presentation.
  • Abstracts of limited quality and those lacking results will not be accepted.
  • At least one author of the abstract must register for the conference by December 5, 2024, and attend the conference.


Abstract Content

  • Abstracts may be written in English, French, or Spanish; however, we encourage posters to be in English.
  • Abstracts must be a maximum of 250 words, excluding title, headings, and authors’ names and affiliations
  • The body of the abstract should contain the following sections (Note: section names should be included in the abstract, and written in all CAPITAL LETTERS):
    • TITLE
    • AUTHORS (last names and initials only, omit degrees), institutions, city, country (omit street address and zip/postal code); underline the name of presenting author
    • RESULTS (Give both numbers and proportions where applicable)

Abstracts may involve scientific research or public health practice, as described by The Union:

Category 1: Scientific research

It is recommended that the abstracts in Category 1 be organized using the following sections:

  • Background: State study objectives, study questions, or a description of the challenge addressed by the research.
  • Design/Methods: State the setting, methods, desired outcomes, procedures, and techniques used to collect and analyze information. Include a description of participants, procedures, measures, and appropriate statistical analyses.
  • Results: Present specific findings to date.
  • Conclusion: State the implications of the results and key recommendations. Present specific findings on how the research addressed the study, question, or challenge. Highlight opportunities for future research as well as implications for further research for TB prevention and care programs.


Category 2: Public health practice/education and training

It is recommended that the abstracts in Category 2 be organized using the following sections (if an abstract cannot address these sections, it is not eligible for submission):

  • Background: What is the reason for implementation? What is the problem being addressed? Identify the context and the specific challenges to program implementation. Describe the activity, program, or policy by which the issue was addressed. Describe target populations, geographic sites/locations and scale and type of activity or service.
  • Intervention/Response: How was the challenge overcome? Detail the methods, activities and implementation steps used to overcome the challenge. Describe the methods, procedures and techniques used to collect and analyze information that informed your conclusions. Identify the course of action used to address program implementation issues.
  • Results: What are the lessons learned? Describe the results and impact of the project. Explain the potential application or benefit to other programs. Describe what worked and what did not work and the evidence that led to this determination.
  • Conclusions: State the implications of the effective public health practice and key recommendations. Highlight opportunities for future program practice, as well as implications for other programs or settings.


Scoring Criteria Points
Quality of writing 0-5 points
Originality 0-5 points
Methods (suitability, validity) 0-5 points
Relevance of findings for TB prevention and care 0-5 points
Total 20 points


Top Scoring Abstract Award– This award will be given to the abstract with the highest score based on the scoring system and submitted by a student, trainee, fellow, or a junior professional (with < 5 years of professional experience in TB Care and Prevention). This includes nurses, physicians, public health professionals, researchers, etc.


Abstracts that Do Not Adhere to The Required Format and Word Limit Will Be Excluded from Consideration.

For Abstract Submitters New to TB Care and Prevention (those who have been in the field < 5 years) or if English is your second language and you are submitting an abstract in English: Please note if you would like

to receive feedback on your abstract with the option to revise and resubmit within 2 weeks. Please note that resubmission of a revised abstract does not guarantee acceptance.

Call for Challenging Cases

Deadline for Submission: Oct 16, 2024

We are calling for submission of “Challenging Cases” for the 29th Annual Conference of the Union-North America Region to be held on February 26-March 1, 2025, at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We are interested in challenging cases from the physician, nurse, or public health programmatic perspective that could inform a lively discussion and highlight challenges many providers may face.

Cases that have been selected will be asked to be presented as a poster, and some will be additionally selected for oral presentation. These presentations are open to participants at all levels of training. Make sure that no directly identifiable information is submitted in either the text or figures, and that all your organization’s privacy policies related to the presentation of health information is followed.


OPTIONAL MENTORING for Abstract Submitters

We are currently in the process of creating a new mentorship experience for conference attendees. At this time, we are looking at two separate mentorship events incorporated into the conference schedule. More details will be available in the coming months. Please contact Menn Biagtan at biagtan@bclung.ca for more information.


Use of Non-stigmatizing language:

The Union-NAR is committed to promoting patient-centered, non-stigmatizing language in conference abstracts and presentations, and therefore requests that you follow the guidance laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication: Suggested Language and Usage for Tuberculosis (TB) Care, Communications and Publications.


  • We will notify the submitting author of acceptance for oral (if requested) or poster presentation or rejection no later than November 25, 2024.
  • Abstracts may be accepted immediately, or conditionally. If accepted conditionally, we will contact you with instructions for revisions needed, or to provide assistance. If you may need assistance, we encourage you to submit your abstract early (at least 2 weeks before the deadline) and request assistance.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the meeting proceedings.
  • Please note: If the abstract is accepted for oral presentation, authors will be required to submit presentations for review by February 10, 2025. Oral presentations will be limited to 7 minutes in length, with 3 minutes for discussion. Presenters of abstracts selected for oral presentation must also sign a conflict-of-interest disclosure form. This form will be provided to the authors and must be submitted along with the presentation.


For inquiries regarding abstract submission contact:

Menn Biagtan: biagtan@bclung.ca
Matthew Wong: mwong@bclung.ca

Call for Travel Grants

Deadline for Submission: October 16, 2024

We are pleased to offer travel grants to selected individuals who would otherwise be unable to attend the 29th Annual Conference of the Union – North American Region without financial assistance. It is highly recommended that you seek additional sources of funding. Those who have received travel grants in the past are eligible to apply, but first-time recipients may be given priority. Membership in NAR is also strongly encouraged (please contact Menn Biagtan at biagtan@bclung.ca if you require a fee waiver to join).


If you reside and work in Canada, the Caribbean, Central, South America, or the United States, you may be eligible if you: 

  • Are unlikely to be able to attend the conference without the grant
  • Provide a letter signed by your supervisor or the principal investigator (if applicable) explaining:
    • The benefits of attending the conference, for your public health program and/or your research study.
    • Justification for the funding request, including documentation of other funding which may help support your attendance.

This letter is MANDATORY, and no travel grants will be awarded to applicants without this letter.


For applicants who reside and work in the United States or Canada, you must also submit an abstract.


NOTE: Due to funding constraints, we are unable to fund travel for applicants from other world regions.


Travel Grant Scoring Criteria

A. Outside the United States and Canada

Note that abstracts are NOT required for travel grants to applicants from high-incidence settings outside the US and Canada.

Criteria Points
Works in public health program or research project relevant to TB control 0-6 points
Demonstration of need 0-6 points
Description of activities 0-3 points
How attendance will advance work 0-5 points
New attendee 0-2 points
Resides in a NAR country at time of the conference 0-2 points
Letter of support 0-1 point
Total 0-25 points


B. Within the United States and Canada

Note that funding for U.S. and Canadian residents is extremely limited, and will be restricted to top-ranked abstracts with clear justification of financial need and complementary funding sources.

Criteria Points
Works in public health program or research project relevant to TB control 0-2 points
Demonstration of need 0-4 points
Description of activities 0-2 points
How attendance will advance work 0-2 points
New attendee 0-2 points
Quality of submitted abstract, as evaluated by the abstract committee (0-5 x abstract score) 0-10 points
Letter of support 0-1 point
Total 0-23 points


Electronic submission will open soon.

Deadline for submission October 16, 2024.


For more information contact:

Menn Biagtan: biagtan@bclung.ca

Matthew Wong: mwong@bclung.ca

Annual TB Conference 2024

April 16-19, 2024 | Baltimore, MD

This year’s conference explored recent global and local epidemiology, efforts to prevent, and ultimately eliminate TB, advances in diagnostics and treatment regimens, proposed changes to the way we approach isolation practices, and – after treatment has concluded, the longer-term implications of tuberculosis which we are beginning to better understand.

The conference reconfirms the important contributions made by all professional sectors working in tuberculosis and the essential partnership of TB patients, their families, and survivors with public health programs, academic research settings, and treatment settings.

Previous Conference Archive

NAR Charter

This charter governs the North America Region (NAR) established by the General Assembly of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).