Radon and Residential Tenancies

We have analyzed BC’s renter protection laws. Landlords need to test for radon and mitigate if radon levels are over Canada’s Guideline of 200 bq/m3. We have prepared legal opinions and Guides for Landlords and Guides for Renters.
We think more is needed – explicit wording about radon is needed in the Residential Tenancy Act and in local Standards of Maintenance Bylaws.
We are providing free test to renters who work with housing advocates or public health officers. For more information contact healthyindoor@bclung.ca.
Radon: A Guide for British Columbia Landlords, endorsed by Landlord BC
Radon: A Guide for British Columbia Renters, endorsed by the Tenants Resource and Advisory Centre (TRAC). This has been updated to reflect issues around capital expenditures.
Tenants can also use our template letter for requesting radon testing from a landlord.
Landlords and tenants can both use our Checklist for Radon Testing, endorsed by Landlord BC, TRAC, and the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP)
We have researched landlord duties and renters rights concerning radon and prepared a short summary and in depth legal opinion on radon rights and duties.
A short document Radon and Local Governments: Maintenance Standards for Renters examines standards of maintenance bylaws across major British Columbia municipalities. We find most communities do not have maintenance standards that protect renters, and the ones that do have no provisions for radon.
The BC Financial Services Authority now issues guidance saying that rental property managers must disclose elevated radon to potential tenants. If your property manager does not address radon, you can make a complaint to the Real Estate Council of BC.
Questions? Contact Dr. Noah Quastel at nquastel@bclung.ca or 778-709-4496.
This work was generously supported by the Real Estate Foundation of BC, the Law Foundation of BC and the Vancouver Foundation.