Tips to improve sleep

Having a good sleep is key to your well-being.

Poor sleep or not enough sleep can have major impacts on your day-to-day functioning. Symptoms of poor sleep can include fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and decreased lung function. 

Note: Different people need different amounts of nightly sleep. For some adults, 4 to 6 hours a night are enough. Others need 8 hours or more. Also, age is known to affect sleep requirements. Infants generally sleep 16 hours a day, but sleep requirements lessen with the years. By adulthood most of us sleep 7 or 8 hours a night. Those over 50 generally report they sleep less than when they were younger.

Here are some tips to help you sleep better:

  • Get up at the same time every morning.

  • Give yourself 20 minutes to fall asleep. After 20 minutes, get up and leave the bedroom to do something relaxing or slightly monotonous.

  • Avoid naps. The best sleep is obtained at night.

  • Have a cool, dark, quiet bedroom. The ideal temperature seems to be 64-66 ̊F or 18 ̊C.

  • Earplugs and eyeshades can be helpful for some people.

  • Keep regular rituals and routines before bedtime.

  • At home, or away, rituals help reinforce sleepiness.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening. These promote wakefulness and make you urinate more.

  • Exercise moderately in the late afternoon or early evening. An evening walk is a great way to wind down.

  • Don’t go to bed too hungry or too full.

  • Unwind before bedtime. Leave worries at the door.

  • Don’t oversleep. It’s better to shorten your sleep by 15 minutes than oversleep.

  • Save your bedroom for sleep. This room should be associated with pleasure, relaxation and sleep.

  • Use relaxation techniques. Doing things that help calm your mind make it easier to fall asleep.


Page Last Updated: 30/01/2021