Mobility exercises

Do these exercises lying down with knees bent up. Do each exercise daily, 10 times each unless your healthcare provider tells you otherwise.

Breathe in as you raise arms over head. Breathe out as you lower arms.

Rock bent knees from side to side. Breathe out as your knees go to the side and breathe in as they come to the middle.

Lift your hips off the bed as you breathe in. Lower as you breathe out. 

Do these exercises Sitting Down. Do each exercise daily, 10 times each unless your therapist tells you otherwise.

Shrug your shoulders up as you breathe in. Lower them as you breathe out.

Roll your shoulders backwards in a big circle.Repeat, rolling them forwards.







Bend sideways towards the floor breathing out. Breathe in as you come back to the middle. Repeat to the other side.

Cross arms over your chest and breathe out as you turn your body and head to the side. Breathe in as you come  back to the middle. Repeat.

Page Last Updated: 30/01/2021